Top prize is now £1000 - every week!

Frequently asked questions

How do I play?

Simply click play now, choose the number of weekly chances you would like, and enter your details. It really is as easy as 1,2,3.

Can I enter over the telephone? 

Yes! Please phone us on 0330 002 0285.

Will I get a lottery number?

Yes, we will send you your unique lottery number in the post shortly after signing up.

How often does the draw take place?

Every week, on a Friday.

How will I know if I've won?

You'll receive a letter from us within 28 working days. You can find our latest winners here.

How do you pay me my winnings?

We will send you a cheque or voucher in the post.

How do I cancel?

Just contact us directly. You'll find all the details you need on the contact us page.

How do I increase or reduce my weekly amount?

Just contact us directly. You'll find all the details you need on the contact us page.

I've changed my contact or bank details how do I notify you?

Please phone us on 0330 002 0285.

How does the raffle 'superdraw' work?

To show our appreciation, all lottery players will be automatically entered into the Blind Veterans UK raffle superdraws. These are held four times a year. The first prize is £15,000 and the total prize fund is £17,000.

Who runs the weekly lottery?

The weekly lottery is run by Blind Veterans UK, and administered by, Woods Group Ltd, Bumpers Way, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 6NG who are our appointed External Lottery Manager.

How much does the weekly lottery cost to play?

£1 per week. This is equal to £4.34 per calendar month. Players can take a maximum of five chances and payments must be made in advance.

Why £4.34 per month?

The monthly cost breakdown of £4.34 for playing the lottery is based on paying £1 per week over a 52 week year. Direct debits are only collected once monthly. Sometimes there will be five weeks in a month and the additional £0.34p is to build up credit to cover the fifth week on the five-week months. Collection day is either the 1st or 15th of the month or the nearest working day.

Can I still play if I live in Northern Ireland?

Unfortunately, no. Only residents of Great Britain can play the weekly lottery.

How old do I have to be to play?

We require the players of our weekly lottery to be aged 18 and over.